The Masjid e Tauheedul Islam Drugs Team consists of concerned members of the Masjid led by our Imaam Moulana Suhail Manya. After consultation with members of the community, the police and those already working with those affected by the problems of haram drugs and substance abuse the MTI Drugs teams produced a strategic development plan focusing on three areas;

Education: This consists of education initiatives for men and women. There is also a concerted effort to incorporate drugs education into the current madressah curriculum.  Download the presentation & lecture by Moulana Hasan Sidat at the bottom of this page.

Support: The MTI Drugs Team are working with different agencies and training volunteers so that drug users and those affected like parents and family have somewhere to access help and support.  If you are a parent or user and are looking for help we are very fortunate to have immediate NHS help available in Blackburn.

Local NHS Drugs Support – Call 01254 283441 or 07908444384

Alhumdullilah we have a very good help for those with drugs issues or parents wanting support with drugs issues. You are encouraged to us these services.

Action: The MTI Drugs Team are now actively collecting information on the whereabouts and identities of local drug dealers with a view to stopping this vice in collaboration with police. We are also collecting information on any drugs related activity in our area. Our aim is to rid our area of this vice that destroys so many lives.

Please call 101 and report to the police and get a reference number. In all cases report to us whether you report to police or not. Give us  details of names, addresses, car details, descriptions of those involved, Time and Locations. All information is dealt with in confidence.

You will find information of our latest event on these pages. If you have any questions or would like to contact us for help or to help please contact us on All your enquiries will be treated in complete confidence. A final request from the team is that you make dua for the success of these efforts.


Drugs and Alcohol in Islam - Presentation

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